Working through the Five Stages of Grief.

In this pandemic, we are all grieving. Life as we know it is over. We have no idea where we are going. Our old foundation is burning up and we have to go inside for deep connection.

When we know we never die, we look forward to rebirth in all areas of life and death.

Where are you in the stages below? You might be wavering through several at once. It is a process for all of us. One day at a time. As we move through this year into next year, we may be up and down through all the stages.

Be patient, loving, and kind, to you and all. The key is to keep going. Admit where you are and work through it in a healthy way.

1. Shock and Denial.

2. Anger and Bargaining.

3. Depression, Reflection, Loneliness.

4. Reconstruction and Working through Loss.

5. Acceptance and Hope.

Denial is important to work through. Many people are at risk because of denial. Whether you believe it or not, this pandemic is happening.

Anger is victim-hood and righteousness at work. Not productive or easy to sit in. Blaming others does not get us anywhere neither does judgment.

Moving through these is freeing to help us deal with what is important. No one likes any of this, it is unexpected and scary. Holding onto anger reduces our immunity and makes us sick mentally and physically.

Being sequestered sure puts us in stage three, depression, reflection, and loneliness. As much as many of us are literally alone, we are all in this together differently. Finding ways to stay connected is key.

Reconstruction and working through loss is one of the focuses I am suggesting in this newsletter. Look for what you are willing to work towards. Be flexible to move with what is in order to co-create forward movement at each moment.

Acceptance and Hope are also my focus here. It is ten weeks here in New Jersey that we have had the stay at home order. Slowly places are opening up. The parks were a big loss and now gain to keep people like me sane.

Being careful and wise with no rushing is important. Placing our energy in new visioning and doing and being what we can now lift us up and support us now.

Hang in there and be and do the best you can each day. Be sure to find support all along the way. We are not alone, we are all one.

I am here to support your journey. I am visioning and creating new ways of supporting you too. More will be coming very soon.

Be the Medicine

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