Healing Sessions & Services
Transform anxiety and pain into peace, disease into health, and depression into fulfillment and happiness.
Janet’s Medicine Bag is Full of Possibilities. You may come to relax for immediate healing, working on a long-time issue, getting unstuck, healing anxiety, worry, and fear, energy clearing, advanced training in healing, Reiki, and Shamanism, and manifesting your purpose in the world. Business, relationship, and family challenges have solutions. You discover a whole new experience of opportunities and possibilities for your health and life!
Come Back to Health. Body, Mind, Emotions, Spirit, and Soul Healing. Profound Healing, Energy Healing, Shamanic Healing, Spiritual Counseling and Guidance, Life and Health Coaching, Medical and Intuitive Readings,
Home and Business Clearing, Astrology Readings, Healing Sessions teach you how to continue to heal yourself with a new perspective and focus, tools, and practices to continue the life and health changes.
Past Life, This Life, Ancestral-genetic healing, Soul Agreements, Trauma healing, New ways to move clearly in the direction you desire in your life.
Life is so much simpler and more comfortable than you imagined. StraightArrow, true to her name, takes you to the center of the situation and unfolds solutions, answers, and creative tools for you to manifest your destiny and co-create an incredible life beyond your dreams.
There is joy in the methods Janet employs and the results of feeling great and moving forward into your best life. Janet has studied traditions from Astrology to Zen, offering perspectives and tools from around the world. More on About Page.

“Working with Janet has been life-changing by deepening my awareness of myself. She is compassionate, direct, and her techniques are simple yet profound. The simplicity of her work makes it easy to use the tools in everyday life, which, for me, is one of the greatest gifts. Above all, she approaches life and the process of healing with a lot of laughter, making the journey of self-discovery and healing so much more fun.”
Call for an appointment or initial consult to determine how we can work together to support your goals. Janet StraightArrow