Retreats and Ceremonies

Seasonal and New and Full Moon Ceremonies

Meditation, Journey, and Wisdom Circles

Drawing from wisdom and practices gathered from around the world, we create a sacred space together and deepen our connection to the divine in us and all.

Meditations, Journeys, and Spiritual practices are shared and experienced in each circle. We never know what we will be guided to create or what practices are opened for us to awaken and heal. 

We gather in the community with a solid intention to raise our energy, heal, and move forward in our lives. Each circle is unique as we gather and support everyone in the circle and on Earth.

“Janet. Thank you for an incredible night at the healing circle last night. There was so much healing, love, and community with your compassionate and inspired guidance. I felt a huge weight I’ve been carrying throughout this difficult time. I have so much love and gratitude for you and all who attended. It was a lifeline for me.”

We address what is happening in our lives and the world and develop an understanding of higher spiritual truth and love and how to live it now.

StraightArrow’s high vibration of energy and wisdom blended with the group will raise us all up and move us light years ahead on our journey each month.

It is a great value to have a foundation of neutral unconditionally loving support, wisdom, and knowledge to keep us grounded and positive.

To know and trust our own wisdom is a practice worth deepening and growing. We know more than what we imagine or think.

Be The Medicine is based on a continual process of living our inner wisdom and accessing our limitless being in everyday life. No Fear. Love and Trust.

Evenings from 7-9 pm. Come to experience peace, love, truth, and how to deepen it in our lives today.Enjoy sacred space and feel energized, relaxed and renewed.

Bring your intentions, prayers, questions, joy, journals, pens, and water.

Shamanic Toltec Mitote Overnight Retreat

A Mitote is a transformative, high energy, and focused Toltec Shamanic ceremony purifying us and raising our vibration and light, offering a release of illusions and past hurts to awaken higher wisdom and truth. Perfect preparation for our new beginnings in our lives, with messages and visions for the next stage of life.

The intent is letting go and allowing rebirth. This unique and profound ceremonial event raises your energy-vibration, breaks through stuck places, and awakens new vision. A beautiful blend of Shamanism and Yogic Chant, we gently birth ourselves into the next phase of our lives.

We experience the purification of ourselves on all levels. We chant the Gayatri Mantra, a high vibration mantra chanted throughout the early evening ceremony by a smaller group rotating in the center. You are either chanting or dreaming on the outside of the circle. You raise your energy and allow lucid dreaming visions and inner movement.

StraightArrow has led many of these ceremonies in 5 states over the years. It is a favorite among her students.

“Janet is a midwife who holds each soul in love and bliss, helping them to surrender and be known. Every word that flows out touches everyone, clearing limiting beliefs rebuilding perfect mental, physical, and spiritual health. She is a blessing to all.”

Bring your pillow, a bedroll, with cushioning for your lucid dream time. A life-changing experience timed to awaken your life.
"We just finished a Mitote... We were in an amazing space, but the truth is it would not matter where we were. Janet brings the safe container, and then we build upon it. By safe container, I mean a safe place to explore your true self, cut out the illusion, and discover who we are. We were able to experience the love within and integrate it to bring it back out into the world whole and strong, resolved to be our true selves and abide in our true nature”

Shamanic Vision Quest Weekend Retreat

Students come to these intensives to breakthrough to new levels of inner wisdom and truth and to release anything in the way.

Are you ready for a deep connection to you, your life purpose, and your direction? Are you moving through a significant change this year? Come for a great weekend of ceremony, journeys, transformation, and rebirth, with Shaman Janet StraightArrow.

You will enjoy a gentle deep journey enjoying more time in nature and experiencing more Shamanic tools and practices to support reconnecting to all of nature and life. We will work in the Medicine Wheel and create a powerful sacred space for ourselves all weekend in new ways to take home with you to live in your home and new life that unfolds from here.

A Vision Quest is an opportunity to be in a sacred space to hear your heart speak and receive the fullness of who you are and open up to the next stage of your life path. It is a gift that is magical, deep, and transformative. You have a guide, Janet StraightArrow, who is close by when you are alone and yet you are far enough away to have privacy and a feeling of oneness with you.

A Vision Quest is a rite of passage taken by various traditions taken as you are moving through a period of change, a more profound spiritual awakening, or any shift point, or loss in your life.

It is a gentle, loving process, and Janet is an unconditionally loving support with healthy boundaries and wisdom. Sign up and begin the journey.

“Janet StraightArrow provides an unparalleled opportunity to bring you to the real you. It’s a well-worn path for her; she knows every part of this amazing journey. Janet emanates love, respect, and, most of all, joy in this great adventure. If you are ready to walk the path back to you – there is no better guide, teacher, mentor, and friend than Janet StraightArrow.”

A Native American drum with feathers and sticks.


We take a weekend retreat to go deeper in our Soul Shamanism and Personal Healing Trainings

Occasionally a basic Soul Shamanism class will be offered in residence at a healing center or private retreat space.
Advanced levels with a Mitote or other practices take our work deeper in residential community.

Vision Quest Mitote Retreat– A Sacred Rite of Passage

A time for you. Pause and get off the track of your life to go inside and discover your true voice, needs, and choices, and your inner wisdom as a gift you give yourself.

We begin the journey with weekly emails to support your inner process as preparation as soon as you sign up. These are often held for three days over a weekend.

Are you moving through a big change this year? Come for a powerful weekend of ceremony, Journeys, transformation, and rebirth with Shaman Janet StraightArrow. Awaken clarity, life purpose, and joy as we break through illusions, fears, and ego. This is a gentle yet powerful life-changing weekend.

Adding the Toltec Mitote to the Quest allows for a deep clearing and transformative experience. By the time you come to your silent time on the weekend of questing, you are ready to have a profound experience. By the end, we are rebirthed into us gently and take the space to begin to process and integrate by the time we leave for home.

The main reason you go on a Vision Quest is to stop the world so you can find yourself. Without interference, responsibilities, and the roles and rules of who you think you are, space opens up to receive. Vision comes in the subtle experiences as you release attachments and see and feel the truth. The deep inner self, the soul, has an opportunity to speak and be heard.

The gift of letting go of daily routines and comforts to experience living in nature where there is little to no interference from the world is always quite enlightening.

We become present for the big and the little things in our life. Nature nurtures us and shows us beauty and wonder in each moment. In our sacred time, we remember who we are and listen and learn more clearly.

Big changes are often made before or after the quest, or you are about to go through a new phase or rite of passage, or you are just ready to go deeper on your journey and learn more.

A Mitote Ceremony is the purification of us on all levels, breaking up stuck patterns and allow visions to come to us in the lucid state. We chant the Gayatri Mantra is chanted throughout the ceremony by the smaller group rotating in the center at the fire. Either you are chanting or dreaming on the outside of the circle in this experience, allowing the raising of your energy and profound cleansing, visions, and inner movement. I

In your sacred spot in nature, you realize just how long an hour or twenty-four-hours are in a day. This new perspective helps us to decide how to make better choices with our time at home. We bring back wisdom, a new perspective, and increased energy.

Using Shamanic practice and tools, we prepare for your quest time in the group sharing this experience. Each person will have a safe place close enough and far enough away from one another to have their private experience. We will work together for one day in the community to prepare for our solitude and silence. After we come back to the main camp, we gather to share our experiences to prepare to go back into the world.

Janet StraightArrow has led many of these ceremonies over the years. The Mitote is a favorite among her students. Each quest is unique in location, times, and organization. We may be camping in tents, under the stars, or in cabins.

Women’s Treasure Yourself Retreat

A women's weekend of inner and outer exploration to enjoy, love and honor us, as we honor the divine feminine women we are. Leave stress behind, as we dive into our beauty and truth, we awaken our strength, inner peace, and deep love.

Women are the original Shamans, Wise women, Warriors, and Healers. We will have experiences to nurture us and awaken deep wisdom and gifts and learn how to release old ways of thinking and being and go home a new woman refreshed with a new way to be.

Janet shares a nourishing weekend of love and fun with us. Janet blends Shamanism and more teachings and experiences to open up doors and windows to our beauty, purity, and magnificence.

Shaman, Healer, Sage, Janet StraightArrow leads us on an adventure to us. Learn to live our divine feminine at home, play, work, relationships, and living our unique purpose.

We nurture our inner wisdom through fun practices and receiving. teachings, and tools will take us deeper. Bring Journals and comfortable clothing to relax and explore the beauty of the land and special places in nature.