Reiki Master Healer Teacher Medical Intuition Training 2025 Meeting
May 15 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Are You Ready For Healing Mastery as a Career and for Your Advanced Level Healing?
We are gathering students for the 2025 program.
Have you studied Reiki and wondered if there is more to experience, learn, and know to become a Reiki Master Healer-Teacher? Join us for this Advanced Level Adventure in Healing, Learning, and Spiritual Healing Mastery, along with a Medical Intuition Training Certification for this program.
The gift of Reiki is good medicine in all circumstances. As a Master, you carry a high vibration of healing, love, and light. You understand the complete system and can effortlessly speak and practice it. This course is open to sincere students from all Reiki Traditions.
The path to mastery requires extensive experience, understanding, and learning. Originally, Reiki Master Training was a ten-year program. I have researched the lineage and incorporated the same teachings in our program.
As a Reiki Master Teacher for 29 years, Janet incorporates fifty-eight years of healing studies, teaching, and practice to empower you to be an experienced, confident Reiki Master professional. Medical Intuition is a perfect blend into this training, offering you additional skills and certification.
From a mastery perspective, we review, practice, and understand all Reiki and Medical Intuition levels. We study and practice healing together over 5-6 months, allowing us time to embody all the energy, healing, and teachings. You learn to teach clients and students and plan and organize classes. Even if you do not plan to teach Reiki now, the learning will be invaluable to your healing and professional practice.
This Comprehensive Program offers a Usui Reiki Master Healer Teacher Certificate and Be The Medicine Advanced Teachings, Healing, and Medical Intuition Certificate. You experience all levels of Reiki from a Mastery understanding and perspective as we attune and practice healing with one another. Completing this training is a new beginning to your life and healing. You also have a professional career. Some people have insurance coverage for Reiki Master Sessions. I also offer CE’s for several professions.
As healers, our first responsibility is to heal ourselves and continually deepen our healing journey. Your most significant learning will happen in your practice with others and yourself. During this training, you will practice in each class and remotely in between. This course offers a firm foundation for learning many levels of energy healing.
This is a Spiritual Journey with tremendous personal growth. After the initial initiations, we will attune each person to the Reiki Master and all Reiki levels as practice and to empower more healing with one another. Complete teaching and understanding allow confidence to build in the process. During the weeks between classes, you will have one or more Reiki buddies to work with remotely.
Learn to heal the past, present, and future. Address physical, mental, and emotional health and wellness. Channel information for clients. Heal issues, bless people, and deepen healings. Work with crystals, meditations, and guidance. Use Reiki to empower mental and emotional healing and positive choices. Advanced level healing work with clients. More profound balance and alignment of Chakras and energy systems in the body. Develop more intuitive skills. Practice on students as we learn. Advanced level remote healing and reading. Learn to connect and work more profoundly with your healing guides. Learn how to use Reiki Attunements to enhance healing with clients. Learn how to teach all levels of Reiki. Learn how to deepen your ongoing personal healing. Medical Intuition is taught each month. Learn professional conduct and ethics.
We have mentoring calls with the entire group to deepen learning and healing. Be curious, open, and ready to go beyond where you imagined healing and mastery would take you.
It is exciting to awaken to more of our gifts and expand ourselves and our practice. You begin to know how to work with clients and students in ways that assist them in their healing and growth.
You will likely have one or more spiritual openings within the course, along with the awakening power of the attunements. Because of the energy intensity of the classes and the information that requires integration, I am planning six full-day courses at least 3 weeks apart for this program, with three Zoom group mentoring check-ins in the evening.
Please fill out an information form so I can learn more about you, your training, your personal and professional interests, and your intentions. This course is personalized to each student, their needs, and the group. It is joyful and rewarding to experience the level of growth, healing, and achievement we all develop through this journey.
$2800. Prepaid or payment plans are available. This includes the full course, mentoring calls, and one private session with Janet. You receive two Certificates: Reiki Master Healer-Teacher and Medical Intuitive Healer. The course is available in person and on Zoom. You will receive a Usui Reiki Master Healer-Teacher Certificate and learn several other lineages added to this method. Medical Intuition Training Certificate.
YOUR TEACHER. Janet StraightArrow has been a Reiki Practitioner for 31 years and a Reiki Master Teacher for 29 years. She continuously enhances her knowledge with ongoing studies and by working with clients and students. Her nearly six decades of research in various mind-body-spirit healing practices from global traditions enable her to teach you how to receive and manifest healing for yourself and others through this Reiki Training. Janet is also a Shaman working with energy healing on deep levels and greater awareness. She brings some advanced Shamanic learning to you in this course.
Reiki Energy Healing is now respected in hospitals and medical settings. As a Master, you are recognized as an Energy Medicine Professional, and your clients may have Insurance coverage. Reiki assists with body, mind, emotion, soul, and spiritual healing.
This course is a spiritual journey of awakening, healing, and becoming. The more you integrate this healing and learning into your life, the more masterful and helpful you become. Some students add this healing experience and practice into their lives and work without becoming professional Reiki Masters. Some students decide to teach several years after completing this class. Some students dive right in and begin teaching and healing.
Janet’s teachings through her individual Reiki sessions and her classes have been transformational for me. I am so grateful for her no-bullshit approach to spirituality and life – it has empowered me to begin to love my whole self and work toward peace, joy, and surrender in every possible moment. After my Reiki 2 advanced training, I immediately began to offer Reiki Sessions professionally, and I am grateful for all the healing that occurs.”Advanced Reiki 2 Graduate
I actively searched for a Reiki Teacher/Healer who was spiritual and knowledgeable for one year. I have found this in Janet. Her abilities and areas of expertise are many and varied. The blending of several different healing techniques is, I believe, very unique and powerful. But more importantly, she has made a profound difference in my life. I have been a spiritual seeker for many years, and through my work with Janet, I find myself catapulted into new levels and depths of growth. I am more joyful, loving, and peaceful. I am constantly surprised by the increased healing abilities and sessions I have offered and experienced as I continue to assist others. I am honored to have known and studied with Janet. Her lineage will be one of the essential spiritual growth paths of the new millennium. Reiki Master Healer Teacher Graduate
I initially sought out Janet StraightArrow for a home clearing when we purchased a new home. Since then, I’ve started studying reiki and shamanic journeying with Janet. I feel more connected to my true self. I’ve learned several ways to clear negative emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. In every offering I’ve taken, she shows a direct path to personal power, wholeness, being at home with oneself, and joy! As a Reiki Master, I am more confident with each Reiki session offered and received. I am genuinely grateful that this is the adventure I get to be on now!”Reiki Master Healer Teacher Graduate
Call Janet to discuss this course. We will meet for six full days and three nights over 5-8 months, remote practice sessions in between working with one another, and one private session with Janet for the complete training.
We are gathering students for this course, which will hopefully begin in late Spring or Fall. The Zoom introductory meeting will be on 5/15/25 at 7 p.m. Eastern time. The complete class is offered on Zoom and in person, allowing students from other states and time zones to participate.
Due to the late April Holidays and tax season, we rescheduled this meeting for May 15.
Call 973-647-2500 or email Janet@Bethemedicine.com for The student questionnaire, a personal consultation, or with questions.
I look forward to sharing the gift of Reiki Mastery and Medical Intuition with you.
Blessings and Love, Janet StraightArrow
Be The Medicine, Live the Power of You!
Website 973-647-2500 Email Janet