Learn, Heal, and Teach on Zoom

2020 has been quite an adventure. In preparation for 2021 it is good to make peace with technology and its benefits.
As an entrepreneur for 45 years and a professional healer-teacher for many of those years, I am always ready to adapt to what is required to be successful and effective in my work shared with others.
I Love to work on Zoom. The results are amazing as we connect and work together.
People have worked with me by phone for decades as far away as Australia. Now with Zoom, we can see and hear one another as if we are in the same room, which we are.
Zoom opens up possibilities, creativity, and responsibility. Being present together on-screen helps us relate and stay present.
Students have wanted to take classes with me from around the country, and now each class has people from many states learning, healing, and sharing.
I often teach interactive classes and have also learned how to teach larger groups, which has refined and focused me and how I present material to be received by all students effectively.
Information, engagement, practice, receiving, giving, and entertaining are all more real when we look face to face with all people.
The warmth of personal contact is something people think they will miss. So, to be warm, loving, and personal is important even when there is less engagement with students.
Distance healing and coaching is something I have done for four decades with great success.
Teaching distance healing was the first class I taught on Zoom in April. It was exciting to share and practice with each student, opening to their natural gifts, abilities, and results.
We have had four classes in 2020 in distance healing and all students experienced amazing results as healer and healed as well as increased perception at a distance.
Setting the stage for people to receive is even more important now. Home, land, business, human, and animal clearing and healing have immediate results.
The key to the healer and teacher is to develop the skills needed to be effective and helpful.
My gift is to teach seekers of all ages and walks of life. Many are professional healers and teachers. All advance their skills to live their lives authentically, in clarity, peace, wisdom, and grace. We learn refined levels of being that allow us to respond and be present in a productive way.
Your entire life has a new focus and meaning that supports you fully. Teaching healing professionals and students the focus on self-healing, healing others, and personal and professional tools creates a powerful foundation for their work and life including relationships.
Call me to experience healing, coaching, and training in Reiki, Shamanism, Spiritual growth, Mind, body, emotions, soul, and spirit healing in a practical, fun way.
Home, Land, and Business clearing make a profound difference in your life and health. Spiritual, life, and health coaching take you directly to solutions and peace.
Join me for workshops, classes, ceremonies, and circles along with all healing-coaching sessions.
Janet StraightArrow Master-Healer-Teacher-Shaman (973) 647-2500 [email protected] www.bethemedicine.com

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Janet StraightArrow

