Reiki Master Training

Be The Medicine Chester, NJ, United States

Students come with a desire for complete training and true Mastery. Many have completed Reiki 1 & 2, and some have Master Certificates. Reiki is essential to me and always…

Toltec Shamanic Mitote Ceremony and Dreaming.

Be The Medicine Chester, NJ, United States

Release the old and bring in the new with renewed awareness, intention, and silence. This sacred Ancient practice adapted to today will include lucid dreaming, chanting, and meditation.


Toltec Shamanic Mitote Ceremony Yogic Chanting – Dreaming.

Be The Medicine Chester, NJ, United States

Overnight Retreat Ceremony and Celebration. (Don Miguel Ruiz Tradition.) New Beginnings. Healing is Love. Join us for this unique opportunity to awaken and release anything holding you back from being the…


Channeling and Automatic Writing 2

Be The Medicine Chester, NJ, United States

In this class, we deepen and refine our connections, channeling, and automatic writing skills.

Learning more about ourselves and those higher-level connections who support us in spirit.

We find more purpose in our writing, healing, spiritual growth, and life.



Reiki 1 Certificate Training – Heal You and Others

Be The Medicine Chester, NJ, United States

Reiki empowers your healing abilities. Reiki is used to speed up healing, relieve pain, aid sleep, reduce stress, improve circulation, aid digestion, increase energy and stamina, balance the body, clear negativity, heighten psychic abilities, aid connection to your higher power, and much more! Healing can occur on all levels- physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.
