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Receive: Vision Quest Retreat to Know and Love You!

June 20 @ 3:00 pm - June 22 @ 1:00 pm

$750. – $800
A Beautiful House Surrounded With Stones

Pause and get off the track of your life to go inside to discover new levels of your authentic voice, needs, and choices. Accessing your inner wisdom is a gift you give yourself. Awaken more clarity, life purpose, and joy as we break through illusions, fears, and ego. Are you moving through a significant change this year? Are you preparing for a new phase of your life or work? Come for a powerful weekend of ceremonies, journeys, transformation, and rebirth with Shaman Janet StraightArrow.

The Gift of Receiving is delicious. It involves being nurtured in this space and time, allowing deep wisdom and knowledge to come to you quickly. This is a gentle yet powerful life-changing weekend. A favorite for many over the years, people return for another weekend as they are ready.

Are you ready for a transformational retreat in nature? Join us this Summer Solstice Weekend. As we welcome Summer, we open more love, warmth, and wisdom in ourselves. Janet’s StraightArrow Approach allows us to manifest profound experiences and changes immediately.

Mid Winter Shake Up Wake Up with light colored weekend.It’s good to take some time to regroup, let go, and open to more. You may be a person who leads, supports, and helps people. This retreat allows you to take a break from everyday responsibilities and the world, relax, self-reflect, and see the real, wonderful you.

People often go on Vision Quests when ready to rebirth their lives in a new way. This rite of passage is a carefully developed retreat that offers guidance and support to help you move through life transitions and new beginnings. It is gentle, safe, and inspired.

“I attended the 2024 Quest and feel twenty years younger. I have released the past and am experiencing a brand new life now. I love my life and feel whole in ways I did not know were possible. Thank you, Janet, for your caring guidance and for holding a sacred space for all of us to move through our processes. I already signed up for this year’s quest, knowing I will receive even more from this weekend.”

You have time and space to explore and get to know yourself better, connect to nature, the land, spiritual guides, teachers, and your highest self, and move through transitions and transformations as you go inside to listen, ask, and learn more about yourself and your life. You can call for a vision, symbols, or words to assist your forward movement.

Young woman in heart shape cave

We begin the journey with emails to support your preparation. Each email offers suggestions for reflecting on, journaling about, or walking in nature. Janet is available for private sessions to help you prepare for the weekend or integrate the process after the weekend.

The physical retreat will be held from Friday through Sunday, June 20-22, at our private retreat space on a retreat farm in the Hudson Valley. Comfort and safety are everyone’s focus. All come from many traditions and walks of life, and we join in a circle of Universal love and healing. Having fun is a bonus, but feeling safe is essential.

YOUR GUIDE Janet StraightArrow, Master Healer, Teacher, Sage, Shaman, and Guide, found her purpose in helping others find their purpose, heal themselves, and live authentically. Her focus is on helping you know and hear yourself in ways that are not easily accessible, overcoming any obstacles inside and outside of you, and building a practice to use these skills in your everyday life.

Janet has led quests and spiritual retreats for twenty-four years in the Northeast, New England, and Mid-Atlantic states. Janet draws from Shamanic and Spiritual Traditions worldwide, bringing powerful tools and practices to enhance your journey.

Janet has comprehensive training and experience in this area and is grateful for the opportunity to support people in moving farther and deeper on their journeys. Participants join us more than once as a powerful way to explore and open the next phase of their lives.

A Headshot of Janet With Raised HandsTestimonials

Janet StraightArrow provides a safe place to become vulnerable to yourself. Her love, compassion, and laughter show us how to return to living life as a child. Free, happy, and whole, she allows you the space to become and remember the truth of the real you. Thank you, Janet, for walking alongside me on my journey.”

“Janet StraightArrow provides an unparalleled opportunity to bring you to the real you. It’s a well-worn path for her; she knows every part of this fantastic journey. Janet emanates love, respect, and joy in this great adventure. If you are ready to walk the path back to you – there is no better guide, teacher, mentor, and friend than Janet StraightArrow.” Therapist, Healer, Teacher,


Bird silhouette sunset is a single bird flying over

If you have not worked with Janet before, please schedule a discovery call with Janet—text or email to set up a day and time: 973-647-2500. The $750 fee includes lodging. To hold your space, deposit at least $200. You can make payments. The balance is due by May 1; after May 1, it is $800. Space is limited to a small group.

THE PROPERTY AND LODGING. Indoor cabins with single, double, and queen-sized beds. Outdoor camping in a comfy pine wooded spot with a flush toilet and hot and cold showers for those who want to camp. We prepare our meals in a fully appointed modern kitchen with lovely indoor and outdoor seating to share our meals. There are open skies at night with great moon, sun, and star views—horses to visit, beautiful open fields, and wooded trails to enjoy.

We also have a retreat on July 19-20 at this location. Both weekends are unique, and yet similar results are possible.


June 20 @ 3:00 pm
June 22 @ 1:00 pm
$750. – $800
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