Reiki Master Healer Teacher Medical Intuition Training 2025 Meeting
Be The Medicine Chester, NJ, United StatesThis Comprehensive Program offers a Usui Reiki Master Healer Teacher Certificate, Advanced Teachings, and Healing. You experience all levels of Reiki from a Mastery perspective as we attune and practice healing with one another. Completing this training is a new beginning to your life and healing. You also have a professional career.
Recieve: Vision Quest Retreat to Know and Love You!
Art Farm Fawn lane Accord NY, NY, United StatesAre you ready for a transformational retreat in nature? This is a gentle yet powerful life-changing weekend. Join us this Summer Solstice Weekend. As we welcome Summer, we open more love, warmth, and wisdom in ourselves. Janet's StraightArrow Approach allows us to manifest profound experiences and changes immediately. Pause and get off the track of your…
Transform: A Shamanic Retreat for Advanced Seekers with Mitote
Art Farm Fawn lane Accord NY, NY, United StatesTransformation, Transcendence, and Deep Relaxation in a Natural Setting.
Join practitioners of various modalities and walks of life to relax in nature and refresh your body, mind, and spirit in a beautiful, natural setting. Taking time out from everyday life and responsibilities to focus on yourself is a delicious gift and healing in itself.
A Weekend with Your Soul – Soul Shamanism Retreat
Art Farm Fawn lane Accord NY, NY, United StatesARE YOU READY FOR A LEAP IN YOUR SPIRITUAL CONNECTIONS AND HEALING? Be ready to Be and Live who you are. From this day forward, you will feel empowered by the depth of your soul and all your connections and tools from this accelerated experiential class. No matter your tradition or purpose, these connections and…