Soul Shamanism 101 Zoom Class

Zoom 247 North Road, Chester, NJ, United States

This class offers a profound experience and practice that is life-changing. Discover your inner space of peace, wisdom, and divine connection. Knowing who you are as a soul and personality allows you to choose and live more fully each day.



Soul Shamanism 201 -Complete the foundation

Be The Medicine Chester, NJ, United States

In this work, you learn discernment and eliminate blocks to your complete health, happiness, purpose, and living as you know to live your highest potential and truth. Efficient and direct healing of body, mind, emotions, spirit through advanced techniques taught.

$278 – $295

Channeling and Automatic Writing 2

Be The Medicine Chester, NJ, United States

In this class, we deepen and refine our connections, channeling, and automatic writing skills.

Learning more about ourselves and those higher-level connections who support us in spirit.

We find more purpose in our writing, healing, spiritual growth, and life.
