Find your life to be a complete expression of who you are...
"To Walk Be The Medicine: The world changes and heals as we do. As we live love, peace, joy, wisdom, health, and truth fully, people are transformed around us as we are. It may be very subtle, and then one day you notice your life and health are not the same, and people in your life have also changed for the better. You see and feel things in a new way. Stronger, wiser, peaceful, and confident, you keep going. As we Are The Medicine, the transformation is organic. Be your best self even when you think no one is watching. Heal you without expectation. Enjoy the journey with innocence, freedom, and fun. Love you and all anyway, and know you make a difference. You hold the Golden Key. Stay focused on the best and live there. You serve the earth and all for generations in all directions. Always in Peace and Love."
Janet StraightArrow
Be The Medicine