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Women’s Retreat Vision Quest – Sign Up and Begin Today
July 21, 2023 @ 3:00 pm - July 23, 2023 @ 3:00 pm
Join Janet StraightArrow as she guides you and several other people on a Shamanic Journey to you.
"A retreat with Janet is coming home. Janet's teachings emerge from a place of unconditional love. You come away with you, and your life is forever changed. Choosing to work with Janet is giving yourself the most beautiful gift in the world.
This Vision Quest is an opportunity to be in a sacred space, to hear your heart speak, and receive the fullness of who you are. Open up to the next stage of your life path.
This weekend is a gift that is magical, deep, and transformative. We come to this retreat to awaken new levels of inner wisdom and truth and to release anything in the way.
Are you ready for a deep connection to yourself, your life purpose, and your direction? Are you moving through a significant change in your life?
Come for a nurturing weekend of ceremony, journeys, transformation, and rebirth, with Shaman Janet StraightArrow. Sign Up early and prepare with email support. Unfortunately, we are limiting this group to eight participants.
You will enjoy a gentle, deep journey in nature and experience Shamanic tools and practices to support reconnecting to all of nature and your life.
We will work in the Medicine Wheel, representing all ages of your life and elements. We create a powerful sacred space for ourselves all weekend. We bring home a refreshing, powerful self and a new focus and attitude of your life to unfold from here.
Insights and visions occur naturally as we sit in nature. We are prepared for this experience throughout the weekend and with the emails leading up to the weekend.
This is a natural process without drugs. The entire weekend is a preparation for Sunday morning's quiet time on the land by yourself to call for a vision. We have a beautiful space on sacred ground with privacy and safety. You may camp or stay inside a spacious lodge.
Call Janet. 973-647-2500 Or Email to set up a time to speak.
$800. Prepaid. Or, a payment plan is offered. I prefer to talk to you before you sign up to ensure this is a perfect opportunity.
Registration. Send payment and email me at [email protected] with your name and phone number. Preparation emails sent.
Venmo janet-straightarrow 2500 ([email protected])
Zelle [email protected] 2500
Credit Cards www.PayPal.me/janetstraightarrow Please add 3% to pay with Pay Pal.
Checks – email [email protected] for details.
Call me with any questions. Blessings, Janet 973-647-2500
"We just finished a retreat with Janet. We were in an amazing space, but it would not matter where we were. Janet brings the safe container, and then we build upon it. By safe container, I mean a safe place to explore your true self, cut out the illusion, and discover who you are. We were able to experience the love within and integrate it to bring it back into the world whole and strong, resolved to be our true selves and abide in our true nature."
"Janet StraightArrow provides an unparalleled opportunity to bring you to the real you. It's a well-worn path for her; she knows every part of this amazing journey. Janet emanates love, respect, and, most of all, joy in this great adventure. So, if you are ready to walk the path back to you – there is no better guide, teacher, mentor, and friend than Janet StraightArrow."
"To have a true teacher who can communicate to everyone from different backgrounds the "truth" of "love," loving ourselves and loving each other is a rare and miraculous gift. Janet knows when you have a question and must express yourself, even if you might be afraid. Janet kindly helps you reframe your words about yourself, your feelings, and others to be more aligned with love and truth. What a genuinely amazing experience and teacher."